fibonacci numbers in ocaml
Date: 1989
Type: Impure functional, object-oriented, strictly typed.
Usage: Various applications, such as FFTW library (the ubiquitous fast fourier transform library), mldonkey (the most popular p2p file sharing client), coq (the proof assistant), some financial and industrial applications.
This language was a very good attempt at making a practical functional language, as opposed to academic research one. It includes a highly optimized native code compiler (on par with C, according to the Shootout) and bindings to OpenGL, GTK, Win32 API, LAPACK, and other C/C++/Fortran libraries.
(* This program calculates the nth fibonacci number
 * using algorithm 1A: naive binary recursion
 * compiled: ocamlopt -ccopt -march=native -o f1a
 * executed: ./f1a n

(* Naive binary recursion: F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2) *)
let rec fib = function
  | 0 -> 0
  | 1 -> 1
  | n -> fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

(* Function f(n) handles the negative arguments: F(-n) = F(n)*(-1)^(n+1) *)
let f n =
  (if n<0 && -n mod 2=0 then fun n -> -n else fun n -> n)
  (fib (abs n))

(* entry point *)
let _ =
(* read the integer argument from command line *)
let n = 
   try int_of_string Sys.argv.(1)
   with _ -> invalid_arg "Usage: f1a <n>"  in
(* calculate f(n) *)
let answer = f n in
(* output *)
  Printf.printf "%dth Fibonacci number is %d\n" n answer

(* This program calculates the nth fibonacci number
 * using algorithm 1B: cached binary recursion
 * compiled: ocamlopt -ccopt -march=native -o f1b nums.cmxa
 * executed: ./f1b n

open Num

(* same double recursion as in algorith 1A, but reads from cache
 * if there is a value stored already
let fib n =
  let an = abs n in
  let cache = Array.make (an+1) (Int 0) in
  let rec f = function
          | 0 -> Int 0
          | 1 -> Int 1
          | n -> if cache.(n) =/ Int 0
                 then cache.(n) <- f (n-1) +/ f (n-2);
                 cache.(n) in
  (if n<0 && -n mod 2=0 then minus_num else fun n -> n)
  (f an)

(* entry point *)
let _ =
  (* get n from command line *)
   let n =
     try int_of_string Sys.argv.(1)
     with _ -> invalid_arg "Usage: f1b <n>"  in

  (* calculate f(n) *)
  let answer = fib n in

  (* output *)
  Printf.printf "%dth Fibonacci number is %s\n" n (string_of_num answer)

(* This program calculates the nth fibonacci number
 * using alrogirhtm 2A: cached linear recursion (as lazy infinite list)
 * compiled: ocamlopt -ccopt -march=native nums.cmxa -o f2a
 * executed: ./f2a n
open Num
open Lazy

(* The lazy-evaluated list is head of the list and a promise of the tail.
 * Note that there is no Empty option, meaning this list is infinite *)
type 'a inf_list = Cons of 'a * 'a inf_list lazy_t

(* tail, map2, and nth for this list type *)
let tl l = match l with Cons (_, t) -> force t

let rec map2 f l l' =
    match l, l' with
    Cons (h, t), Cons (h', t')
      -> Cons (f h h', lazy (map2 f (force t) (force t')))

let rec nth lst n = match (lst, n) with
      | (_, n) when n < 0 -> invalid_arg "negative index in nth"
      | (Cons(x, _), 0) -> x
      | (Cons(_, t), n) -> nth (force t) (n - 1)
(* Define the infinite lazy-evaluated list of fibonacci numbers *)
let rec fibs = Cons (Int 0, lazy
                (Cons (Int 1, lazy
                  (map2 ( +/ ) fibs (tl fibs)))))

(* Replacing this definition with a more direct:
 *  let rec fibs = let rec aux n m =
 *     Cons (n, lazy (aux m (n +/ m))) in lazy (aux (Int 0) (Int 1))
 * did not change the speed or improve memory usage
 * I've also tried the new camlp5 functional streams, like this:
 * value fibs =
 *    let rec f a b = fstream [: `a; f b (Num.add_num a b) :]
 *       in f (Int 0) (Int 1);
 * value rec nth s =
 *   let next = Option.get ( s) in fun
 *     [ 0          -> fst next
 *     | n when n>0 -> nth (snd next) (n-1)
 *     | _ -> invalid_arg "negative argument" ];
 * but this was considerably slower and also had exponential memory use

(* entry point *)
let _ =
  (* get n from command line *)
   let n =
     try int_of_string Sys.argv.(1)
     with _ -> invalid_arg "Usage: f2a <n>"  in

  (* calculate f(n), taking care of negation *)
  let answer =
      (if n<0 && -n mod 2=0 then minus_num else fun n -> n)
      (nth fibs (abs n)) in

  (* output *)
  Printf.printf "%dth Fibonacci number is %s\n" n (string_of_num answer);

(* This program calculates the nth fibonacci number
 * using algorithm 2B: linear recursion with accumulator
 * compiled: ocamlopt -ccopt -march=native -o f2b nums.cmxa
 * executed: ./f2b n
open Num

(* linear recursion: the parameters a and b are accumulators,
 * n is the iteration counter, decremented on every iteration.
 * When it reaches 1, the accumulators contain (n-1)th and nth
 * fibonacci numbers
let rec fib ?(a=Int 0) ?(b=Int 1) n = match n with
    | 0 -> a
    | 1 -> b
    | n -> fib ~a:b ~b:(a +/ b) (n-1)

(* Function f(n) handles the negative arguments: F(-n) = F(n)*(-1)^(n+1) *)
let f n =
    (if n<0 && -n mod 2=0 then minus_num else fun n -> n)
    (fib (abs n))

(* entry point *)
let _ =
(* read the integer argument from command line *)
let n = try int_of_string Sys.argv.(1)
        with _ -> invalid_arg "Usage: f2b <n>"  in
(* calculate f(n) *)
let answer = f n in
(* output *)
  Printf.printf "%dth Fibonacci number is %s\n" n (string_of_num answer)

(* This program calculates the nth fibonacci number
 * using algorithm 2C: imperative loop with variables
 * compiled: ocamlopt -ccopt -march=native -o f2c nums.cmxa
 * executed: ./f2c n
open Num

(* Repeat the loop abs(n) times using mutable variables as accumulators *)
let f n =
  let tmp = ref (Int 0) in
  let x1 = ref (Int 0) in
  let x2 = ref (Int 1) in
  for i = 1 to abs n do
    tmp := !x1 +/ !x2;
    x1 := !x2;
    x2 := !tmp;
  if n < 0 && (-n mod 2) = 0 then minus_num !x1 else !x1

(* entry point *)
let _ =
(* read the integer argument from command line *)
let n = try int_of_string Sys.argv.(1)
        with _ -> invalid_arg "Usage: f2c <n>"  in
(* calculate f(n) *)
let answer = f n in
(* output *)
  Printf.printf "%dth Fibonacci number is %s\n" n (string_of_num answer)

(* This program calculates the nth fibonacci number
 * using algorithm 3A: matrix multiplication
 * compiled: ocamlopt -ccopt -march=native -o f3a nums.cmxa
 * executed: ./f3a n
open Num
open List

(* Ocaml does not come with matrix multiplication, and I didn't feel like using
 * PsiLAB or another uncommon library just for that, so wrote my own. A matrix
 * in basic ocaml can be a list of lists, an array of arrays, or a bigarray
 * (especially to pass them to C/Fortran libraries) I went with a list of lists,
 * for purity's sake. *)

(* general inner product of two lists, from Harrop *)
let inner base f l1 l2 g =
    fold_left2 (fun accu e1 e2 -> g accu (f e1 e2)) base l1 l2

(* dot product of two lists of Num *)
let dot a b =
    inner (Int 0) ( */ ) a b ( +/ )

(* matrix transposition, from *)
let rec transpose m =
    if mem [] m then []
    else map hd m :: transpose (map tl m)

(* matrix multiplication for matrices of Num list list *)
let matmult ml mr =
  let m2 = transpose mr in
  map (fun row -> map (fun col -> dot row col) m2) ml

(* general function to raise an object x to an integer power n using the
 * repeated squaring algorithm tail-recursively.
 * additional arguments:
 * fmul: function to multiply two objects of the same type as x
 * one: unit value for this multiplication (1, 1., unit matrix)
let rec fast_power fmul one x n = match n with
  | n when n < 0 -> invalid_arg "fast_power requires non-negative n"
  | 0 -> one (* "one" is used as product accumulator *)
  | n -> let sq = fmul x x in (* x contains the last square *)
  if n mod 2=1 then fast_power fmul (fmul one x) sq (n/2)
               else fast_power fmul       one    sq (n/2)

(* Now the fibonacci function can be defined. It will raise the (1,1)(1,0)
 * matrix to n-1'st power *)
let rec f = function
  | 0 -> Int 0
  | n -> let m = [[Int 1; Int 1;];
                  [Int 1; Int 0 ]] in
         let one = [[Int 1; Int 0;];
                    [Int 0; Int 1 ]] in
         (if n<0 && -n mod 2=0 then minus_num else fun n -> n)
         (hd (hd (fast_power matmult one m ((abs n)-1))))

(* entry point *)
let _ =
(* read the integer argument from command line *)
let n = try int_of_string Sys.argv.(1)
        with _ -> invalid_arg "Usage: f3a <n>"  in
(* calculate f(n) *)
let answer = f n in
(* output *)
  Printf.printf "%dth Fibonacci number is %s\n" n (string_of_num answer)

(* This program calculates the nth fibonacci number
 * using algorithm 3B: fast recursion
 * compiled: ocamlopt -ccopt -march=native -o f3b nums.cmxa
 * executed: ./f3b n

open Num
(* calculate a pair of fibonacci numbers according to
 * the recurrent relationship: 
 * F(2n-1) = F(n-1)^2 + F(n)^2
 * F(2n) = (2F(n-1) + F(n))F(n)
 * in this function, k1 = F(n-1), k2 = F(n), k3 = F(n+1)
let rec f = function
   | n when n<0 -> invalid_arg "negative argument"
   | 0 -> (Int 0, Int 0)
   | 1 -> (Int 1, Int 0)
   | n -> let (k2, k1) = f (n/2) in
          let k3  = k2 +/ k1 in
          let k2s = k2 */ k2 in
          let k1s = k1 */ k1 in
          let k3s = k3 */ k3 in
          if (n mod 2) = 0 then (k1+/k3)*/k2, k1s+/k2s
                           else k3s+/k2s, (k1+/k3)*/k2

(* entry point *)
let _ =
(* read the integer argument from command line *)
let n = try int_of_string Sys.argv.(1)
        with _ -> invalid_arg "Usage: f3b <n>"  in
(* calculate f(n) *)
let answer =
    (if n<0 && -n mod 2=0 then minus_num else fun n -> n)
    (fst (f (abs n))) in
(* output *)
  Printf.printf "%dth Fibonacci number is %s\n" n (string_of_num answer)

(* This program calculates the nth fibonacci number
 * using algorithm 3C: Binet's formula with rounding
 * note: for arbitrary precision floating point numbers, I use
 * ML GMP by David Monniaux, an interface to GNU MP library
 * compiled: ocamlopt -I /usr/lib/ocaml/gmp -ccopt -match=native -o f3c
 *           /usr/lib/ocaml/gmp/gmp.cmxa
 * executed: ./f3c n
open Gmp
let ( +. ), ( *. ), ( -. ) = F.add, F.mul, F.sub

(* find the inverse root of a using the following recurrent equation:
 * y(n+1) = 0.5*y(n)*[3 - a*y(n)^2]
 * It is faster than typical Newton-Raphson equations because it does not use
 * division.
let invsqrt a =
  let start = F.from_float (1. /. sqrt a ) in
  let f x = F.from_float 0.5 *. x *. (F.from_float 3. -. F.from_float a *. x *. x) in
  let rec loop f x =
      let x' = f x in
      if F.eq x x' !F.default_prec then x
      else loop f x'
  loop f start

(* general function to raise an object to an integer power using the
 * repeated squaring algorithm tail-recursively.
 * additional arguments:
 * fmul: function to multiply two objects of the same type as x
 * one: unit value for this multiplication (1, 1., unit matrix)
let rec fast_power fmul one x n = match n with
   | n when n < 0 -> invalid_arg "fast_power requires non-negative n"
   | 0 -> one (* "one" is used as product accumulator *)
   | n -> let sq = fmul x x in (* x contains the last square *)
          if n mod 2=1 then fast_power fmul (fmul one x) sq (n/2)
                       else fast_power fmul       one    sq (n/2)

 * This function calculates the nth fibonacci number
 * as floor( phi^n/sqrt(5) + 1/2)
let fib n =
    F.default_prec := 7*n/10; (* actually n * log_2(phi) = 0.694n *)
    let one = F.from_float 1. in
    let half = F.from_float 0.5 in
    let is5 = invsqrt 5. in
    let s5 = F.div one is5 in
    let phi = (one +. s5) *. half in
    F.floor ( half +. is5 *. fast_power F.mul one phi n )

(* negative argument handling:  F(-n) = F(n)*(-1)^(n+1) *)
let f n =
  (if n<0 && -n mod 2=0 then F.neg else fun n -> n)
  (fib (abs n))

(* entry point *)
let _ =
(* read the integer argument from command line *)
let n = try int_of_string Sys.argv.(1)
        with _ -> invalid_arg "Usage: f3c <n>"  in
(* calculate f(n), note that for zero, F.to_string... returns empty string *)
let answer = F.to_string_exp_base_digits ~base:10 ~digits:n (f n) in
let answer = if n=0 then "0" else fst answer in
(* output *)
  Printf.printf "%dth Fibonacci number is %s\n" n answer